Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Yes, we are covered by most insurance providers including: Blue Cross, Canada Life, Manulife, Sunlife, MPI and WCB. You will have to look into your respective insurance providers to determine what you are entitled to.
Just to Blue cross, MPI, WCB. We will provide you with an invoice to claim to the other providers. You will need to report the accident/incident and receive an injury claim # from MPI and WCB before commencing treatment.
In most cases, no. Sometimes clearance from a doctor is required for post-operative conditions. In others, you may need a doctors or Nurse practitioner’s note for AT required by your Insurance provider. We recommend you do not delay the treatment process and receive a back-dated note if possible. Come straight to an AT to assess, treat and receive education of your condition so that there isn’t a delay in healing.
We are Certified Athletic Therapists: CAT(C), B.KIN or B.Sc (Kin)
In Manitoba, Athletic therapists must complete a 4 year bachelors of Kinesiology or Applied Science (Kinesiology) in the Athletic therapy program. Hours through field and clinic are collected and you must complete a competency practical exam within the degree and a written National exam. We learn Basic Trauma and Life training on the field as First Responders, sideline injury assessment and management, concussion testing/protocols, and taping/bracing techniques. We learn clinical skills for assessment of orthopeadic conditions, advanced anatomy of the body, advanced biomechanics, modalities and rehabilitation from beginning to advanced stages.
Physical Therapy is a healthcare practitioner that has either a Bachelors of Medical Rehabilitation (3 years program) or Master of PT(2 years) that learns and applies rehabilitation to a general scope ranging from musculoskeletal, neurology, cardiorespiratory, pediatrics, and geriatrics originating and generally in a hospital setting. PT’s are also found in private clinics working with the general population and have some overlapping skills to an Athletic therapist. Athletic therapists are a type of specialized healthcare practitioner with a Kinesiology-based knowledge & application on the sports field and in the clinic working with the general population in the pursuits of a physical lifestyle.
Yes, FST is predominately performed by Athletic therapists at Home Stretch Therapy.
Though we are highly trained to work with elite athletes - Athletic therapy is for anyone who moves their body through life. From work, to play, to daily functional activities; our goal is to guide you to be stronger and resilient through life. We work with the aging population to support your longevity and functionality. We use preventative medicine through restoring and maintaining movement and promoting an active living.